Mid Wales Manufacturing Group (MWMG).
Supporting industry in Mid Wales.
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Nowhere else will you find the powerful advocacy and high value services that MWMG provides its members.
MWMG works on behalf of more than 140 Manufacturing and Engineering Companies across Mid Wales and the Borders, to drive economic growth and create new opportunities for its members and the Sector as a whole.
“As well as being highly informative and covering a wide range of subjects, these events provide essential networking opportunities for businesses in what could otherwise be a very thinly populated landscape...their local and professional knowledge is always helpful and they are a pleasure to deal with. I would feel very lost without their assistance.”
“MWMG are our “go to” people if we have a business-related issue, and if they don’t know the answer, they invariably know someone who does...they are a fantastic asset to the business community”
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Maintain a Positive Work-life Balance
As well as wonderful countryside and stunning places to visit, Mid Wales offers a host of job opportunities in a wide range of sectors.
Experience a commute through amazing scenery and explore it in your free time!

Looking for a new career or job? See our current job listings from around Mid Wales
We are proud to organise the annual Powys Business Awards showcasing success in business across the county.