Become a Member
Membership starts from just £50 per year and provides many benefits including:-
Visits and Workshops e.g. Factory Tours, Bank of England Updates, HR Updates
Engagement & Representation - We work with with a number of organisations representing views of members including Welsh & UK Governments, Local Authorities and Grant Awarding Bodies.
Training - We facilitate shared training between members and also arrange regular courses.
Job promotion - Sharing details of your vacancies through our jobs page and social media platforms, attending regional jobs fairs to promote vacancies and sector opportunities.
Promoting the Sector to Local Schools and addressing skills needs - ensuring a future pipeline of skilled people enabling the sector to grow.
Developing Supply Chains - the members directory is valuable resource and your entry is free as a member.
Cost Benefits and Solutions - With our member benefits, you will have access to I.T. support, business foreign exchange, EPOS (Electronic Point of Sale) payment tills, commercial mortgages and business loans, low cost card machines, business energy solutions and asset finance solutions.