CenexExpo 2024

Event Details

Event name:
Cenex Expo 2024

UTAC Millbrook, Beds

4-5 September 2024

Size of Event:
Over 220 exhibitors, 5,000 visitors and over 80 countries represented.
Welsh Government stand space for 4-5 innovative mobility / automotive companies.

low-carbon and fuel cell technologies, Automotive, Manufacturing, Engineering,
Innovation and R&D

What do I do next?
Please download the application, complete and return to ITD.Events@gov.wales 


Closing date for Applications:
30 June 2024

Find out more at:


Welsh Government will be participating in a number of business to business (B2B) exhibitions, conferences, trade missions and export market visits, in Wales, the UK and around the World to promote Wales and Wales based businesses. 

This will create opportunities for Wales-based businesses to participate with us under the Wales banner. 

All opportunities are subject to an application process.  The details for the next event can be found below:

Building on the legacy of Cenex-LCV and Cenex-CAM - Cenex Expo has been created. The event sets an agenda where low carbon vehicle and connected automated mobility innovations combine to shape the future of mobility.

Cenex Expo will feature: 

  1. Technology exhibition

  2. Extensive seminar programme

  3. Facilitated networking with the low carbon community

  4. Ride & drive of the latest research & development and commercially available Vehicles

  5. New for 2024 – Start-up Innovation Zone 

The physical Cenex event typically secures over 220 exhibitors, and almost 5,000 attendees from this fast expanding sector.

Cenex Expo prides itself on ensuring the decision makers of the UK industry attend the event with all major stakeholders, key manufacturers, supply chain representatives and government officials from the UK present.

Interest in transport decarbonisation has never been greater.  Wales continues to have a presence at this event, with capacity to accommodate 4-5 companies on our stand (C3-117)  

Cenex Expo is the place to meet UK decision makers and industry experts; the perfect opportunity to showcase your business, your industry and your technology. 

Why Attend?
Exhibiting with Welsh Government can be a very cost-effective way to showcase your company, gain valuable contacts and identify potential business in the mobility sector.
You will benefit from:

  • a branded pod on the Wales pavilion with power supply and access to storage

  • access to meeting space on stand

  • at least one exhibitor pass for the duration of the event

  • inclusion in marketing material where available

  • Inclusion in Wales social media schedule and potential PR opportunities

  • inclusion in associated networking events

  • engagement with key businesses and decision makers at the event, including your fellow stand partners

  • the stand’s logistics are all taken care of with experienced events and marketing professionals. 

Cost – £750.00 & VAT. 

For this exhibition, there is a limited number of packages available, please sign up early to avoid disappointment. 


Food Processing and Packaging Business Meetings Event 2024


New filters installed at Beacon Foods’ expanded water treatment plant