Control Techniques Share their Approach to Social Distancing in the Workplace

Member Company Control Techniques have kindly shared their 3Q6S Approach to Social Distancing that has been implemented at their production facility in Newtown. 3Q" is defined as quality employees, quality company, and quality products. "6S" refers to the general "5S" of workplace organization method derived from the Japanese terms "seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu, and shitsuke," which means "sorting, straightening, systemic cleaning, standardizing, and service." Lastly, the final "S" is for "saho" or behavior. 

MWMG Chair Hannah Barrett who is the HR Director for Control Techniques told us “We are pleased to be able to share this resource with MWMG Members and the team at CT would be prepared to support any of our colleagues in the Group. I hope the information is useful and demonstrates some of the practical steps that we have been able to take to continue production but ensure social distancing measures are maintained”.

View the 3Q6S Control Techniques Approach to Social Distancing here


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