Partnership Agreement to Tackle Skills Provision to Support Engineering Sector in Mid Wales
Mid Wales Manufacturing Group and Myrick Training have been working together closely for a number of years to support the apprenticeship opportunities for manufacturing and engineering companies in Mid Wales. Over this time the synergy of both organisations has become more evident, both organisations are not for profit with the interests of the valued Manufacturing and Engineering sectors of Mid Wales at their heart.
The Non-Executive Boards of the two organisations have felt for some time that there were enough mutual areas of interest to allow them to work closer together to enhance the possibilities of companies within their industrial sectors and we are pleased to announce a new partnership agreement to strive for improved support for the sector.
Myrick Training Services is a not for profit Charity concentrating on delivering training to industrial and manufacturing companies including apprenticeships funded by Welsh Government and courses.
The Strategy and Priorities for Mid Wales Manufacturing Group include working with young people to promote the opportunities available in the industry locally and the importance of STEM.
We are currently working with local authorities and Welsh Government on industrial property requirements and ensuring future demand to promote growth, working together on skills and training needs, and developing local supply chains
A new steering group has been formed with directors and senior managers from both organisations to explore and develop the possibilities and opportunities for the mutual benefit of both organisations and their memberships.
It is hoped that this will enhance and facilitate a better service to industry for the benefit of all members and client companies being served by both organisations in the future.