Trade Remedies Authority (TRA) Surveys

The Trade Remedies Authority (TRA) has launch two new business and consumer surveys linked to their investigations on aluminium foil and engine oils and hydraulic fluids.

The TRA are planning to use the surveys to gather evidence from businesses and consumers potentially impacted by the trade remedy measures under investigation.

The Aluminium foil is an anti-dumping investigation into certain aluminium foils in rolls from China. The investigation commenced on the 20 May 2024 by the TRA at the request of the Secretary of State. The anti-dumping investigation into certain engine oils and hydraulic fluids from Lithuania and the UAE commenced on the 17 June 2024 following an application from Aztec Oils Ltd.

The aluminium foil survey can be found here and closes on 15 September 2024, while the engine oils and hydraulic fluids survey can be found here and closes on 16 September 2024.

These surveys are not intended to be completed by exporters, importers or manufacturers of the products being investigated, who should instead be advised to complete a separate questionnaire on the TRA’s online case platform.

The TRA hope the results from these surveys will help them understand the effects that tariffs on imports of the above products might be having on businesses and consumers. Information submitted will be used anonymously for the Economic Interest Test (EIT).




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