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Business Planning

Business Planning

Thursday 28th september, 10am - 4.00pm, newtown


Workshop Objectives

Join us for this workshop looking at business planning.

Workshop Aims 

They say that to fail to plan is to plan to fail.  In these turbulent times is that still the case?  Well yes of course – as long as you are flexible.  This workshop goes through a simple planning process to allow you to keep an eye on the ever changing environment and allowing you to adjust plans quickly in order to keep your business focus and take advantage of relevant change.

The day will give you an opportunity to create your own plan, understanding your current environment, customers and competitors – and your own company.  Using tried and trusted tools and techniques, you can use this to create a strategic business or marketing plan.  This gives the chance for you to look further into the future and develop measurable smart objectives, strategies and campaigns to help your business grow. 

Duration: 10am - 4pm

Date: Thursday 28th September 2023

Cost: Free to attend

Venue: Newtown

Course Delivery: This course will be delivered by Dr. Julie Jones PhD, FCIM, MA, FHEA, PGCTHE, DipM, Chartered Marketer and Lecturer at Aberystwyth University. Prior to working at the University, Julie led an EMEA (Europe Middle East and Africa) wide team for IBM for a number of years before  setting up her own marketing consultancy specialising in Strategic Marketing and CRM/Customer Care for SMEs in the manufacturing and finance industries predominantly.

Book online using the booking form below, call 01686 628778 or email

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